The company
Consortium companies
The company
TPL FVG consortium consists of 4 companies extremely rooted in the area, that bring together their decades of experience and deep knowledge of regional mobility needs.

The Company
ATAPfor over forty years has been present in the territory of the province of Pordenone for the management of public transport. ATAP's mission is to be a point of reference and a decisive factor in the integrated mobility system for quality, safety and competitiveness in full respect of the environment, in constant adherence with the continuous socio-territorial changes and with the ultimate goal of participating in the development of the territory thanks to a service capable of satisfying the expectations of customers.
ATAP SpA is a private joint-stock company with a public majority made up of 93.75% by the municipalities of the province of Pordenone, and the remainder by its own shares, Nuovo Trasporto Triveneto Srl and natural person shareholders (employees or former employees).
The numbers (2019)
Annual passengers: more than 11 million
Service volumes: 8.7 million Bus/km
The fleet: 163 vehicles
Total employees: 253
Urban and suburban local public transport
Tourist services
Bus rental
Additional and atypical services
School buses
- UNI ISO 9001 (quality)
- UNI ISO 14001 (environment)
- UNI ISO 45001 (security)
- UNI EN 13816 (quality of service)
- UNI ISO 39001 (road safety)

Arriva Udine
The Company
Arriva Udine (formerly Autoservizi FVG SpA - SAF), a subsidiary of Arriva Italia (a company of the international group Arriva plc, active in 14 European countries), manages the local public transport service in the city and the area of Udine. Know-how, technology and respect for the environment distinguish Arriva Udine, which has always been at the forefront of the mobility sector. The company is characterized by strong roots to the territory but is projected towards the mobility of the future, to guarantee passengers a high quality offer in line with European standards through efficient, punctual services and always in maximum safety.
The numbers (2019)
Annual passengers: more than 25 million
Service volumes: 17 million Bus/km
The fleet: 397 vehicles
Total employees: 600
Urban and suburban local public transport
Maritime line
International lines
Tourist services
Bus rental
Additional and atypical services
School buses
- ISO 9001 (quality)
- ISO 14001 (environment)
- UNI ISO 45001 (security)
- UNI 13816 (quality of service)
- UNI PdR 125:2022 (parità di genere)

The Company
TheAzienda Provinciale Trasporti for over forty years has been the reference of public transport in the Isonzo area; it has accompanied the economic and social development of cities and smaller towns by efficiently connecting neighborhoods and villages, schools and workplaces; it connects the intermodal hub of Trieste Airport with the cities of Trieste, Udine, Gorizia and, in the summer, it becomes the protagonist of mobility by land and sea to the tourist and seaside resorts of the region. Constant attention to the customer, collaboration with territorial realities, commitment to the safety of travelers and staff, and maintenance of European quality standards the strengths.
The shareholding structure of APT SpA consists of 69.06% of the municipalities of the province of Gorizia and the remainder of ATAP SpA, AMT Trasporti in liq, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Gorizia.
The numbers
Annual passengers: 5.9 million (2019)
Service volumes: 5.6 million km (2019)
l Vehicle fleet: 145 (including 117 LPT and 2 electric)
Employees: 210
Urban public transport in the cities of Gorizia, Grado and the Monfalcone area
Suburban public transport
Bicibus service
Maritime line
International urban line
Bus rental with driver
School bus
Additional and atypical services
- UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
- UNI EN ISO 14001:2015
- UNI ISO 45001:2018
- UNI EN 13816:2002

Trieste Trasporti
The Company
Trieste Trasporti, 40% owned by Arriva, is the company that manages urban local public transport service in the city of Trieste and its province.
A century-old tradition, combined with the most modern technologies, enables Trieste Trasporti to provide the best possible service to passengers in terms of punctuality, efficiency and above all safety. With the continuous modernization of the fleet (average age of 4 years) and the experimental introduction of an electric line, Trieste Trasporti demonstrates a concrete commitment to environmental issues.
The Numbers (2019)
Annual passengers: 66.8 million
Service volumes: 13.3 million Bus/km
The fleet: 288 vehicles
Total employees: 781
I Services
Urban local public transport
Trainvia Trieste - Opicina
School bus
Maritime connections (Trieste - Muggia and Trieste - Barcola - Grignano - Sistiana)
- UNI EN ISO 9001:2008
- UNI EN ISO 14001:2004
- UNI EN ISO 45001:2018
- UNI EN 13816:2002

A process of continuous performance improvement, aimed at providing services that consistently match the set requirements, with maximum efficiency and effectiveness, for the full satisfaction of the Customer
System to control and maintain compliance with specific regulations aimed at protecting the environment: utmost attention to reducing consumption, rationalizing behavior, adopting the solutions to achieve higher energy yields from facilities and to reduce and prevent pollution.
The new health and safety in workplace standard UNI ISO 45001:2018 replaces the previous certification BS OHSAS 18001:2007. Its purpose is to provide a tool to be able to set up safe workplaces, implement practices to prevent and avoid the occurrence of occupational injuries and illnesses, and improve performance in these aspects of business operations over time.
The standard provides a method, already introduced in Quality and Environmental Management Systems following the amendment of the respective standards in 2015, of a risk-based approach and the identification of opportunities for improvement, which arise not only from critical events such as Nonconformities, but also and especially from the monitoring of processes and the performance of related indicators.
It is also demanded that the Company exercise even more timely and accurate control over the requirements of its suppliers and especially outsourced service providers, who must attest to compliance with the requirements for the health and safety protection of their employees employed in the activities under contract with our Company.
Such control makes it possible not only to better protect the Company and monitor the level and compliance of supplies received and services offered to the customer or client through service providers, but also and especially to extend the "virtuous" circle of compliance with current regulations and culture in the field of occupational health and safety protection to the supply chain.
It determines the quality of service in Passenger Public Transportation. Service is measured from the customer's point of view as the expected quality/perceived quality ratio, and from the provider's point of view as the designed quality/delivered quality ratio.
Specifies requirements for the road traffic safety (RTS) management system to enable an organization interacting with the road traffic system to reduce deaths and serious injuries due to road accidents on which it can take action.