
The objects found on board the urban bus network of Trieste are directly returned to the lost property office of the Municipality of Trieste, where they are available to customers from the days following the discovery. Here are the contact details of the competent municipal offices to which you can refer.


Lost and found items on board the vehicles are available to travelers in the days following their discovery at the local lost and found office:

You can collect your item by reservation according to the arrangements you will agree on by phone with the operator within the last day of the month following the one in which it was found. After this date, the items are transferred to the lost property office of the main municipality. Perishable goods, those in poor condition, or for which it was not possible to identify the owner in a timely manner, are destroyed or disposed of according to the standard procedure for solid urban waste.

If you are a resident of a municipality different from the one where the object is made available, or if you cannot collect it in person, TPL FVG can arrange to send it by registered mail to the mayor of the municipality where you reside, with shipping costs at your expense. You must first prove ownership through distinctive and recognizable elements.

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