The company
Who we are
The company
TPL FVG is the company founded by Friuli Venezia Giulia local public transport companies, winner of the European tender for road and sea public transport services in the region from 2020.
TPL FVG is the consortium that manages road and sea Local Public Transport in Friuli Venezia Giulia region. It was born from the union of four companies - ATAP Pordenone, Arriva Udine SpA (formerly SAF Autoservizi), APT Gorizia and Trieste Trasporti - historical, well-established and strongly rooted companies that deeply know characteristics and needs of mobility in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Thanks to the experience of member companies and with an integrated approach to public transport, TPL FVG is able to guarantee quality, flexibility and specificity of service in the regional territory.
Innovation, new technologies, easy access to services and information: the goal of TPL FVG is to constantly improve every aspect of the travel experience for residents and tourists, starting from scheduling, ticket purchase to arrival at destination.
Local public transport in Friuli Venezia Giulia is reliable, accessible, safe, efficient and convenient: this is why we want to become the first choice of travelers in the territory.
We serve people, families, workers, local communities and institutions: in this way we contribute to supporting the economic and social development of the region by looking at a model of sustainable development of services that preserves territory and natural resources.
We manage integrated and multimodal mobility services connecting all territories of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Thanks to the experience of consortium companies, we enhance local peculiarities and create specific and efficient services calibrated to the needs of travelers. We invest in new technologies to ensure efficiency and quality of service, speed and accessibility of information for users, and reliability in traveling with us, always.

The brand TPL FVG is a contemporary representation of people's travel and mobility.
The graphic design evokes dynamism and modernity: it is a flow in which the lines represent travel and the dots depict people at the moments that characterize each ride: departure, route and arrival at destination.
It is enclosed within a square, a symbol of stability, balance, reliability and professionalism, guaranteed by the experience of the Consortium companies, four just like its sides.
The color turquoise is associated with values such as tranquility, responsibility, trust and loyalty. The shade identified makes it fresh and unconventional, distinctive and easily recognizable, a color that expresses novelty and drive for the future, reassuring and solid at the same time.