Remember that to travel on board TPL FVG vehicles, you must have a valid travel document (ticket or bus pass) and you must keep it intact for the entire duration of the journey to show it upon request by the control staff.
The travel tickets:
- They are fiscal documents in all respects
- They entitle you to benefit exclusively from the service indicated on them.
- They are personal and non-transferable and you must always display them upon request of the control staff.
The fares for travel tickets and the related benefits and discounts are determined by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia with a specific resolution of the Council.
Types of Tickets
TPL FVG offers you various types of tickets designed for every travel and time need.
Single journey
The ticket, for a kilometric band, is valid for a single journey up to the destination; when bus changes are planned, you must use the first available connection (in case of a prolonged stop in the intermediate location, it is necessary to purchase 2 tickets).
Hourly ticket
You can travel for 60 or 75 minutes (on weekdays) and 240 minutes (on holidays) from the moment of validation on a route.
Full network hourly ticket
Hourly ticket (60 or 75 minutes on weekdays and 240 on holidays). The ticket can only be used on the urban service indicated on the travel document itself.
Full network daily ticket
To travel on all urban lines until midnight of the validation day. The ticket can only be used on the urban service indicated on the travel pass itself.
Daily ticket for the entire regional urban network
to travel on all urban lines until midnight of the validation day. The ticket can be used on all seven urban services of TPL FVG (Gorizia, Grado, Lignano, Monfalcone, Pordenone, Trieste and Udine).
Hourly or daily ticket valid for 10 trips. It allows multiple people to travel at the same time, each of whom must validate for each traveler. The ticket can only be used on the urban service indicated on the travel document itself.
Single ride
Can be used on the route indicated on the ticket for a single journey up to the destination.
Round trip journey
Can be used on the route indicated on the ticket for a trip to the destination and back.
Bicycle Transport
Usable for the transportation of the bicycle on any route.
Where and how to buy tickets
You can purchase the tickets:
- in the ticket offices and affiliated resellers with the company
- at the automatic dispensers installed in the regional territory
- through the mobile App of TPL FVG (with credit card)
- Within the app, you can choose between single-trip tickets or daily tickets available, or find your travel solution through the travel planner and proceed to purchase the ticket (payment methods available: Visa, Mastercard and American Express cards, Masterpass, cash at one of the 40,000 SisalPay points in Italy, Satispay, PostePay). Remember that the electronic ticket must be validated as soon as you get on board by scanning the displayed QR code.
- via SMS (with phone credit).
Remember that the ticket received via SMS is already validated, so we recommend buying it just before getting on board.- Send an SMS to the number 4850850 (the cost of the SMS may be charged if provided by the tariff plan; the enabled telephone operators are Vodafone and WindTre) by typing in the text the keyword of your ticket:
UD single trip Udine
LIG single trip Lignano
POR single trip Pordenone
TST single trip Trieste
GOR single trip Gorizia
GRA single trip Grado
MON single trip Monfalcone
UDG daily ticket Udine
LIGG daily ticket Lignano
PORG daily ticket Pordenone
TSTG daily ticket Trieste
GORG daily ticket Gorizia
GRAG daily ticket Grado
MONG daily ticket Monfalcone - Receive the SMS confirmation of the purchase that contains the specifics of the ticket: you will need to show this SMS in case of a check by our verification staff.
- Send an SMS to the number 4850850 (the cost of the SMS may be charged if provided by the tariff plan; the enabled telephone operators are Vodafone and WindTre) by typing in the text the keyword of your ticket:
- through the mobile App Drop Ticket (with credit card or phone credit)
- Once you have downloaded the application for free from Apple Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android) and performed the geolocation, you can choose the ticket for the city where you want to use it and the payment method: phone credit (available for Vodafone and WindTre customers) or banking network (credit cards and DropPay).
You can purchase tickets and bus passes for maritime transport on board the motor ships or at affiliated ticket offices.
Ticket Validation
The tickets must always be purchased BEFORE boarding the TPL FVG vehicles.
If you have a paper ticket that is currently valid, you must validate it as soon as you get on board using the appropriate devices located near the boarding doors.
If you have purchased an electronic ticket from the TPL FVG app, you must scan the appropriate QR code, which is present on all vehicles, as soon as you board.
Electronic tickets must be purchased before starting the journey and their duration starts from the moment of validation. Purchases made on board after the start of the journey are not considered valid and should therefore be considered punishable.
The validity of tickets purchased via SMS starts from the time indicated on the confirmation message you will receive a few moments after the purchase request. If you do not receive the confirmation message, check that you have enough phone credit and that paid services are not blocked on your mobile phone. The price of the ticket purchased via SMS may be increased, if provided by your tariff plan, by the cost of the message.
The TPL FVG tickets do not have an expiration date.
The tickets issued between January 1 and June 10, 2020 by the previous transport companies (ATAP, SAF, APT, and TT) ceased to be valid on JUNE 12, 2021.
Tickets are not considered valid if they are not validated as soon as you board, nor are travel documents that are altered, smeared, torn, cut, unreadable, validated in spaces other than those specifically reserved, or, with the exception of the multi-journey ticket, validated more than once.
- The validity of time-based tickets starts from the time printed on the validation stamp for paper travel tickets and from the time of receipt of the electronic ticket for tickets purchased from mobile devices through digital applications, SMS or other mobile ticketing platforms.
- On holidays, timed tickets retain their validity for 240 minutes.
- The multi-journey ticket can be used by multiple people on the same journey provided that the number of validations corresponds to the number of passengers and that the ticket can always be shown, in case of inspection, by one of the passengers.
- The daily ticket, regardless of the purchase method, expires at midnight on the day of issue.
In case of malfunction of the validation devices on board the TPL FVG buses or the vehicles of the Trieste-Opicina tram line, you must promptly notify the driver.